Clinical Supervision

Who is Clinical Supervision for ?

Clinical supervision is available for counsellors, psychotherapists, psychologists and associated mental health professions, in line with the guidelines and requirements for members of professional associations such as IACP, IAHIP, and PSI. Supervision is conducted face to face at our Dublin and Galway centres. Online supervision and group supervision are also available. 

Are Supervisors accredited with IACP and IAHIP ?

The supervisors working at Mind and Body Works are accredited to work with counsellors, psychotherapists, and psychologists who are members of the Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP), the Irish Association for Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy (IAHIP), and the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI). This accreditation is achieved through the successful completion of specific training in supervision on recognised courses and on having a minimum of 5 years experience as an accredited counsellor or psychotherapist. Supervision is also available to professionals in related fields in mental health and social care such as social workers, pastoral care workers, and staff in care situations and caring professions.

How Do I Choose a Supervisor ?

You might already have been given a recommendation of a supervisor from a colleague or other supervisor. That is a good starting point and often worth following up and contacting that supervisor. It is important to ask consider why someone is particularly recommending that supervisor to you, and also what you now feel you need as a therapist from your supervision. Each supervisor will have their own personal style, but they should be able to tell you what supervision model they work from, and what are the main influences on their work.

You will also need to consider the practicality of how often you need supervision and what your availability is. It is often a good idea to arrange an initial supervision session and then discuss your supervision needs. This can give you a better sense if the ‘fit’ feels right for you and you can decide if you wish to enter a supervision contract from there.

You can also phone us or email us and we are more than happy to discuss the various available and suitable options with you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What are the professional requirements for supervision ?

Supervision is provided to accredited therapists, pre-accredited members and to students who are undergoing training in professional counselling and psychotherapy courses. Supervision is also available to professionals in related fields of psychology, social work, community work, social care and mental health professionals.

It is important that you are aware of the professional guidelines of your association to ensure that your supervisor meets the criteria of your association and that the frequency is in accordance with the guidelines of your professional status. This frequency will vary depending on your professional association, your form of membership, and how long you have been in practice. You also need to consider your supervison needs in relation to the caseload of clients that you hold.

Supervision can be provided on a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis. and is available face to face at our Dublin and Galway centres, and online. Group supervision options are also available.

What If The Supervisor is Shown as Fully Booked ?

Many of our Supervisors may appear as Fully Booked below but they may still have spaces available for supervision. Send us an email and let us know who you would like to enquire about and we will put you in touch.

How do I Arrange An Appointment?

You can contact your chosen Mind and Body Works therapist directly from the list below to arrange this service.

  • Annette McDonnell

    Fully Booked

    Online Therapies

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  • Lorraine O’Callaghan

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 2

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  • Fidelma Hawes

    64 Dominick Street

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  • Bernie Mack

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 2

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  • Ann Prendergast

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 14

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  • Eileen Tatschl

    Fully Booked

    Online Therapies

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  • Gina O’Sullivan

    Online Therapies

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  • Jennifer Hamilton

    Online Therapies

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  • Maria McBride

    Fully Booked

    Online Therapies

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  • Annette O’Dwyer

    Dublin 14

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  • Bernadette Ryan

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 4

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  • Thomas Larkin

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 2

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  • Eve O’Kelly

    Dublin 14

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  • Andrew McLellan

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 2

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  • Dermot Kelly (He/Him)

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 14

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  • Claire Murphy

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 2

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  • Edel Bose

    Dublin 2

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  • Rachel Forrester

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 4

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  • Karen Fitzsimons

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 2

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  • Stephen Vaughan

    Fully Booked

    Dublin 2,Dublin 14

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