Infertility does not mean an end and therefore something to grieve, to let go of and move on from. It means a new chapter opens up with a whole host of unknowns and medical decisions to be made, none of which are an absolute to the desired outcome.
When coping with infertility it can be difficult to identify the loss, as there was nothing there in the first place – unlike a death, a divorce or an illness diagnosis, where there is something tangible to grieve, and in a few lines someone can describe the loss and be met with empathy.
Infertility comes with so many facets, our own expectations, hopes for the future, our partner’s expectations as well as our relatives’. Yet the loss has no face, for now it is grieving a dream. The heartbreak can be indescribable and where do you begin?

Infertility can touch all areas of life, from how you see yourself, to your relationship with your partner, to questioning all aspect of living and life. Quite often people feel like there is something wrong with them and a rollercoaster of emotions begin to emerge, particularly when a friend or relative announce a pregnancy.
It is important to acknowledge your feelings and understand that what you are going through is normal, allow yourself time and space to work through your emotions. Talking to a relative, friend or a therapist can help ease the stress, anxiety and heartbreak encountered on the infertility journey.