Paul Price

Qualifications and Accreditation

Paul is a fully qualified psychosexual and relationship therapist. He has a Masters degree in coaching, a HDip in psychotherapy, and is a Gestalt certified group facilitator and Tavistock certified leadership consultant – systemic and psychodynamic approaches. Along with other relevant qualifications, he is a certified cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) practitioner.

Paul is an associate member of the British Psychological Society, and is a registered member of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT).  He adheres to the ethical principles of COSRT and of the European Association of Psychotherapy. He is an ardent learner committed to continuous professional development, and attends regular professional supervision.

Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Approach

Paul brings a multidimensional open-minded approach and a humanistic perspective to his therapeutic process. His work is primarily grounded in both systemic and psychodynamic approaches, and, naturally, in sexology. However, because every client and their needs are unique, he also draws from a repository of other therapy modalities including narrative (social constructionist) therapy, cognitive-behavioural therapy, transactional analysis and Gestalt models, among others.

As a relationship therapist, Paul works collaboratively and empathically with couples, meeting them together in the here-and-now of their challenged relationships, and helping them to gain a more holistic understanding of any conflicts and of the intrapsychic and interpersonal factors that are contributing to and maintaining them. Based on that shared awareness, he coaches couples to better communicate and to negotiate their relational needs to restore and enrich their connection and intimacy, while also acknowledging and embracing their individual differences.

As a psychosexual therapist, Paul works with both single and partnered clients, and with a wide range of psychosexual issues (see below), focusing on both relieving the distress caused by such issues  and on alleviating the effects of the problem itself.

In addition to collaborating in their sessions, clients’ successful outcomes, whether they are presenting with relational or psychosexual issues or both, greatly depend on their commitment to and completion of any home tasks they are given.

Counselling Experience and Areas of Interest

Paul has experience of working with individuals and couples with a range of relational and sexual issues including pain during sex, low desire and desire discrepancy, erectile issues, rapid and delayed ejaculation,  anorgasmia, childhood and adult sexual trauma, fetishes and out-of-control sexual behaviours, including compulsive use of pornography.

As a group facilitator for many years, Paul has facilitated psychotherapy students to explore and develop their self- and social-awareness in a dynamic group context.  As a coach to both management teams and executives, Paul has worked with a range of relational and other issues within the corporate environment. He has also worked personally with individuals dealing with career change and other life transition and developmental issues. Paul brings his extensive coaching expertise to his relational therapy work.

Paul’s fee per session is €80 for individuals and €100 for couples



Articles by Paul Price