Types of Therapy We Offer

Counselling & Psychotherapy
Our qualified professional counsellors, psychotherapists psychologists and CBT therapists in Dublin are trained to work closely with you to enable you to explore thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviours that affect your life negatively.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a collaborative, practical and problem oriented approach to emotional problems whereby the client and therapist work together toward understanding difficulties in terms of the relationship between thoughts, feelings, body responses and behavior.

Marriage & Couples Relationship Counselling
Many relationships can reach a stage where one or both partners are finding it difficult to see a way forward. The relationship may no longer seem to be providing what the person is looking for and they may now be wondering if it is possible to bring in changes that can help improve the situation.

Low Cost Counselling
Our low cost counselling and psychotherapy service is available to individuals and couples who are looking for help or support.

Child Play Therapy
Sometimes children experience difficulties and behave in ways that may cause disruption to their lives or be of concern to those around them. Play Therapy provides a child with an opportunity to “play out” their thoughts, feelings and problems just as, in certain types of adult therapy, an individual “talks out” their difficulties.

Sex Therapy
Because of the importance of sexual intimacy to developing and maintaining relationships, sexual dysfunction can cause a great deal of distress and anxiety, especially since it is a sensitive topic to discuss. Sex therapy helps with this distress and also with the sexual problem in a direct way.

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy explores issues in depth and may be long-term. It makes use of the idea that how you behave now is determined by past experiences and relationships.

Family Systemic Therapy
The beginnings of systemic therapy date back to the 1970’s.It developed as a result of the dissatisfaction some therapists felt with the disappointing results they were getting from using psychoanalytical methods.

ADHD Assessments
Psychological Clinical Assessment is offered by an on-site psychologist working in the provision of educational and therapeutic intervention for adults, children and adolescents who may be displaying particular behavioural and emotional maladjustment.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy recognizes that trauma is stored in the body and that trauma is therefore released through the body. We may be very unaware of the existence of these unresolved traumas and talking therapies alone may fail to unearth these unconscious issues.

Sand Tray Therapy
Allowing our more imaginative and playful self to emerge in a sandtray process can be both revealing and healing, especially in relation to early experiences or traumatic events This enables clients to reflect on their life situation and explore solutions to their issues, while gaining greater self-acceptance and compassion.

Rebirthing Psychotherapy
Rebirthing* therapy combines the more traditional methods of talk therapy with a very gentle but exceptional effective breathing technique. The combination offers the client the opportunity to explore their lives and to work towards change on …

Clinical Supervision
Clinical supervision is available for counsellors and psychotherapists, in line with the guidelines and requirements for members of professional counselling and psychotherapy associations.

Employee Assistance Programmes EAP
Employee Assistance Programmes are designed as a short-term goal-focused therapeutic approach which helps employees and clients change by constructing solutions rather than dwelling on problems.